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Interface AnylineJSConfig


  • AnylineJSConfig



charWhitelist?: string

charWhitelist - limit the scope of characters to be scanned (example "ABCDE0123")

coverVideo?: boolean

coverVideo - [default: true] Reverts a letterboxing fix (not recommended to set to false)

estimateMainCamera?: boolean

estimateMainCamera - [default: true] Flag to disable camera estimation (not recommended)

hideFeedback?: boolean

hideFeedback - [default: false] hides the visual feedback while scanning

initialFlashOn?: boolean

initialFlashOn - [default: false] starts scanning with camera flash state (only Android Chrome support)

loadingScreen?: string

loadingScreen - HTML string to replace the default loader (<div>loading...</div>)

mediaConstraints?: MediaStreamConstraints

mediaConstraints - overwrite mediaConstraints of the camera feed (i.E to use a certain resolution or a specific camera)

minConfidence?: number

minConfidence - percentage of minimal confidence when a result should be returned

mirrorOnDesktop?: boolean

mirrorOnDesktop - (default: true) disable mirroring on desktop browsers (i.E if you are using a back-facing camera on desktop)

module?: string

module - manually set the scan module being used (not recommended, use the top level preset parameter)

retryCameraAccess?: boolean

retryCameraAccess - Flag if the system should retry camera access with fallback default media constraints

scaleDown?: boolean

scaleDown - [default: false] Scales down the processed image for potential performance boost in a few use cases (barcode)

scanMode?: string
slowMessageTimeout?: number
throttleImagePass?: number

throttleImagePass - throttle the time between processing images (in ms)

useFaceAuth?: boolean

use face authentication

useFullUrlBundleId?: boolean

useFullUrlBundleId - Flag to consider the whole url path as the bundleId (i.E example.com/apps/scanner vs. example.com)

videoSrc?: string

videoSrc - Https url pointing to a video stream to exchange the camera feed (for debugging, testing purposes)

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